How to install Joomla using XMAPP?

Step1. First download the XAMPP software from Then install  the XAMPP software correctly.

 Step2. Open the XAMPP control panel from start menu. A new window will be open. Then click all the start button & finally click the admin button of MySql. Create a new data base. Here data base name dtest.

Step3. Download Joomla latest version from Extract the file within a folder name tecbd. Copy & paste the tecbd folder within htdocs folder which are under XAMPP folder.

Step4. Now open our browser & write the address http://localhost/tecbd/. Then click next at 3 times, a page will be open. Now select Database Type MySql & Write Host  Name localhost, Username root & Database Name dtest(created before). No password here. Click next & select No to enable FTP file system layer. After clicking next a page will be open & write our website name example), valid e-mail id, password & click Install sample Data. After clicking next a congratulations page will be open. 

Step5. Then go to the installation directory like this xampp\htdocs\tecbd & delete the installation folder. Now click admin button & write Username admin & password that you have given before. Finally joomla main page will be open.


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